Query by mechadrum2000: machining titanium?
Ive produced one ring out of titanium, long ago, and i want to make a couple far more…I want to know a great cutting speed to run. I will be using a .375 x .03 radius tipped finish mill (Tilan coated) in a piece of 6Al-4V. Can anyone assist?
Best answer:
Answer by nietzsche_noble_morality
just be Overman then all question of “unrelated living body to you” will disappear.
Do some feet workout, heard the boring call “go down to consume”, I wonder if the caller is related to the hearer. the emotion “you lost your time writing fruitless” and “be creative”. Each time I heard the maid speaking, I really feel “it is so poisonous and garbage her speech”, the maid tortured the “undesirable character”
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