Some cool cnc rapid prototyping images:
the future
Image by Pedro Moura Pinheiro
At Codebits 2009, among all the amazing experiences I had, two of the most unique were meeting Mitch Altman and buying a TV-B-Gone kit and assembling it right there and then with his help.
The second unique experience was meeting the people from AltLab, Tiago who I had met before at Twittlis, and Catarina, who were demoing their Makerbot Industries open source 3D printer.
Putting 2 + 2 together, I managed to challenge Catarina to design and print an enclosure for my assembled TV-B-Gone, right there at Codebits!
If you have your own 3D printer, you can download the model files here, and print your own TV-B-Gone enclosure!
Kids, *this* is the future, and you probably saw it here first!
Image by oskay
Because the hot air gun blows air continuously, it leaves a shallow trail wherever it goes, indicating the toolpath of the heater over the sugar surface.
Read more about the Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories 3D Fabricator Project here.
Image by eok.gnah