Nice Engraving Cnc photos

A few nice engraving cnc images I found:

Laser cut.

Image by tweakie.cnc
A Dot-Dithered image, using the Sierra algorithm, cut into a non-pvc engraving laminate using GCode created with the free software DotG. ( )

Woodburning the Pionner plaque

Image by svofski
300mW laser, quick test. There are some tool speed/focusing/surface flatness issues, but it works awesomely otherwise. A little slow though.

Project description, circuits and source code:

Woodburning the Pionner plaque

Image by svofski
300mW laser, quick test. There are some tool speed/focusing/surface flatness issues, but it works awesomely otherwise. A little slow though.

Project description, circuits and source code: