Query by gpbullock: What is the minimum spindle rpm speed to mill aluminum w/ cnc mill?
Upgrading my shop by purchasing a cnc mill so I can make in property. Even so, I want to be capable to mill steel, stainless, titanium and aluminum. The steel and titanium I know are lower rmp speeds for milling due to hardness. What is the minimum spindle rpm allowable so that I can acquire a mill that will be capable of milling all of the above listed material?
Best answer:
Answer by Deirdre H
Depends on the tool size. For 2024-T4/T6, 2014, 6061-T6/T651, 7075-T6 kinds of aluminum, you want a cutting speed of 800-2000 FPM, which for a 1/4 ” tool would be a minum of 12,200 RPM. For 440, 356, 380, C61300 sorts of aluminum, use 500-1000 FPM.
The formula for converting FPM tp RPM is:
Spindle Speed [RPM] = cutting speed (in inches) (pi*tool diameter). / Essentially, find the circumference of the tool, divide the cutting speed by the tool circumference and that tells you how numerous occasions the tool will require to go about per minute to attain the proper cutting speed. A bigger diameter tool will go slower due to the fact it cuts far more metal per revolution of the tool.
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